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Project Name: Chameleon


Device: Prototype of a multifunctional spirometric device


Purpose: Medical Diagnostic Tool for children's Athma management


Project Goals:

  • Easy of use by children between 6 and 14 years old

  • Comfortable

  • User friendly

  • Low cost

  • Web-enabled

  • Precise measurements

  • Track lungs function

  • Medication tracking (inhalers)

  • Spacer function



  • High accuracy air flow sensor

  • Bi-directional monitoring (inhaled and exhaled air)

  • Bluetooth 2.1

  • Built-in Li-Po rechargable battery

  • Sound and LED indications

  • Charging via mini-USB

  • Inhaler mount

  • Inhaler detector


Basic Use: 

Children with asthma can use Chameleon in order to track their symptoms, the frequence of the asthma crisis events and their medication (inhaled steroids). Specif software application on smart device or computer, children could learn how to use it in a daily basis and capturing valuable medical data. These data are vital and doctors study them in order to diagnose and prevent future symptoms and change the medication dosage.


Chameleon helps producing an real medical history that can be pushed to the doctor's records via bluetooth enabled smart device without requiring extra effort by the patient. Also, it can be used as a spacer for inhalers detecting them and add their IDs to the spirometric data. Then, patients take full advantage of using a single device for multiple types of measurements.



  • Remote and real-time patient monitoring

  • Meaningful data for doctors 

  • Better and easier management of asthma patients

  • No need for frequent visits to doctor

  • Affordable spirometer with extra functions


Other uses:

Adding GPS and RTC modules is a future idea about extending Chameleon's functionality. Location and time are very essential information when the user can not always carry a smartphone. In addition, it could be implemented by adding a wireless charging system. Also, we can design a new stucture for spirotube so as to be an attachable component. All these features will make the Chemeleon more convenient to easily charge and maintain it  (i.e. washing the removable parts).



See also:

1.  Paper publication: Management Children's Asthma


2. 1st prototype of Chameleon web site - Asthma Management Team


3.  Boston Globe Newspaper article: Asthma Management Team

Development Stages

Ideal model: how patients can use it

all the efforts for wiring and some communication tests 

Testing some diferrent kind of air-flow sensors and color detector

Finally, the 1st functional Chameleon prototype was built

3D printed mock-up created - time to fit the electronics

Breadboard: designing hardware architecture

Initial thoughts and designs

Created by Ioannis Smanis © All Rights Reserved

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